Building Strong Client Relationships with the T.R.U.S.T. Model in Agile Software Development

VP of People, Opreto

3 minute read

In the frenetic world of agile software development, it’s crucial to maintain strong, transparent, and effective communication with our clients. That’s why we’ve put a lot of thought into developing the T.R.U.S.T. model to guide our interactions. T.R.U.S.T. stands for Tact, Responsibility, Understanding, Speed, and Thoroughness. Each element of this model plays a crucial role in fostering a trusting and collaborative environment, and we strongly believe in the power of these principles.

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Tactfulness is at the heart of our client interactions. We believe in conveying information with sensitivity and consideration, always maintaining a respectful and empathetic tone. Even when addressing challenges or setbacks, we strive to focus on solutions and next steps rather than dwelling on problems. Our aim is to preserve a positive and professional relationship with our clients through thoughtful and empathetic communication.


Taking responsibility and being accountable for our actions and commitments is fundamental to our approach. We believe in delivering on our promises and taking proactive measures to address any issues that may arise. Our consistent reliability reassures our clients that they can depend on us to meet their needs, and we take great pride in earning that trust.


Understanding our clients goes beyond just hearing their words; it means truly comprehending their goals, challenges, and perspectives. We actively engage with our clients to ensure that our solutions are tailored to fit their unique context. By listening attentively and asking insightful questions, we make our clients an integral part of the development process, creating a collaborative and valued partnership.


We recognize the importance of speed in the agile world, but never at the expense of quality. Our focus is on being efficient and responsive, delivering value in a timely manner while maintaining the utmost quality. This agility helps our clients stay ahead in their market and respond promptly to their customers’ needs, ultimately giving them a competitive edge.


Paying attention to detail and ensuring completeness in our work is a point of pride for us. We believe in meticulous planning, comprehensive testing, and thorough documentation to minimize the risk of errors and guarantee that the final product meets or exceeds our clients’ expectations. Keeping our clients informed about the progress and any potential issues is also central to our commitment to thoroughness, and helps us anticipate potential problems before they arise.

Implementing the T.R.U.S.T. Model

To ensure that the T.R.U.S.T. model is ingrained in our culture, we are committed to training and empowering our team members to embrace these principles in every interaction. We dedicate ourselves to conducting regular workshops and feedback sessions to reinforce these values and address any gaps in their application.

We also integrate the T.R.U.S.T. model into our project management practices, emphasizing the importance of tactful communication and thoroughness in our deliverables during sprint planning and reviews. By embedding these principles into our workflows, we ensure that they become second nature to our team.

The Benefits of the T.R.U.S.T. Model

The T.R.U.S.T. model has numerous benefits for both our clients and our team:

  1. Enhanced Client Satisfaction: Clients feel heard, respected, and valued, leading to more robust relationships and higher satisfaction.
  2. Improved Collaboration: Our focus on understanding and responsibility fosters a collaborative environment where clients and developers work towards common goals.
  3. Greater Efficiency: Speed and thoroughness ensure that we deliver high-quality solutions quickly, meeting client needs promptly.
  4. Sustainable Growth: Building trust with clients leads to long-term partnerships, referrals, and repeat business.


The T.R.U.S.T. model is not just a set of principles; it’s a testament to our commitment to excellence in client relationships. By focusing on Tact, Responsibility, Understanding, Speed, and Thoroughness, we ensure that our clients receive the best possible service and support. This model not only enhances our interactions but also drives our success as an agile software development company. Embracing the T.R.U.S.T. model helps us build strong, lasting relationships that are the foundation of our business and are absolutely core to the way we work.

